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Web Development

servicesFirst impressions matter! Within the first 30 seconds, website visitors need to know who you are, what you’re promoting and why they shouldn’t click away. People have short attention spans so the quality of your digital content matters more than ever. That’s why you need a design team who understands messaging and can build a site that connects quickly with your target audience.

Half of all website viewing takes place today on mobile devices and with digital technology constantly evolving, you need professional geeks like us who use the newest tools to ensure your online strategy is always current. We build responsive designs so that your site displays properly on desktops, as well as laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

We pride ourselves on developing sites that not only work across every browsing platform and mobile device currently available, but for devices that have yet to be invented.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is key in moving your site up in the rankings of major search engines like Google and Bing. Again, that’s why you need a professional development team who utilizes the latest SEO optimization techniques to increase your site’s visibility within the search engines.

We also ensure that your e-newsletters, social media channels and other digital communication strategies are seamlessly integrated into the site.


These days your online strategy cannot simply be a website. You need to incorporate other communication strategies to connect with your target audience.

That’s why – in addition to building awesome websites – we also provide services to help get your message out through e-newsletters, blogs, online surveys and other forms of digital communication.

Our team blends traditional and emerging technologies to maximize your online presence and provide seamless integration between your website and other forms of communication. By linking back to your website through newsletters and blogs, we not only increase web traffic but also help your site’s relevancy ranking in the search engines.

Our goal is simple: we help clients achieve theirs. So, let’s start building your brand, growing your business, and seeing some amazing results!

Social Media

social mediaWith 1.4 billion users on Facebook and almost 300 million active on Twitter, you’re missing out on important  marketing opportunities if you aren’t including social media in your communications strategy.

Polls show that up to 92% of consumers trust word-of -mouth recommendations and a recommendation from a trusted friend conveying a relevant message is 50 times more likely to trigger a purchase compared to another recommendation. Those are two powerful reasons for using social media to help build buzz around your organization/product.

While not every social media channel will be appropriate for your organization, our team will help you focus on specific strategies unique to the strengths of each channel.

We also show you how to use social media to build two-way communication with your target audience and how to utilize it to your advantage when it comes to the major search engines. From YouTube, and Google+ on Google’s results pages, to Facebook on Bing’s results pages, we know how to keep SEO integrated into your social media activities, which is vital to online search marketing success.

Press Relations

A fully integrated communications strategy blends traditional media with your online presence to build your brand, drive growth and expand your digital reach.

Let’s face it – while the tactics, techniques and technologies are new, we’re still talking about old-fashioned marketing and earned (free) media is still one of the best ways to raise the visibility of a business, nonprofit or political campaign.

We can help generate interest in your product/organization/campaign through the use of earned media coverage in local newspapers and on radio and television stations. We’ll then take the traditional media coverage and integrate it into your online strategy to ensure maximum exposure.

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